Altar Party
Bishop Stanton, Fr. Don & Confirmands
Monday Office Closed

Thursday Feast of All Saints 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist

"The exact origins of All Saints are uncertain, although, after the legalization of Christianity in 313, a common commemoration of Saints, especially the martyrs, appeared in various areas throughout the Church. For instance in the East, the city of Edessa celebrated this feast on May 13; the Syrians, on the Friday after Easter; and the city of Antioch, on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Both St. Ephrem (d. 373) and St. John Chrysostom (d. 407) attest to this feast day in their preaching. In the West, a commemoration for all the saints also was celebrated on the first Sunday after Pentecost. The primary reason for establishing a common feast day was because of the desire to honor the great number of martyrs, especially during the persecution of Emperor Diocletion (284-305), the worst and most extensive of the persecutions. Quite supply, there were not enough days of the year for a feast day for each martyr and many of them died in groups. A common feast day for all saints, therefore seemed most appropriate.

In 609, the Emperor Phocas gave the Pantheon in Rome to Pope Boniface IV, who rededicated it on May 13 under the title St. Maria ad Martyres (or St. Mary and All Martyrs). Whether the Holy Father purposefully chose May 13 because of the date of the popular celebration already established in the East or whether this was just a happy coincidence is open to debate.

The designation of Nov. 1 as the Feast of All Saints occurred over time. Pope Gregory III (731-741) dedicated an oratory in the original St. Peter's Basilica in honor of all the saints on Nov. 1 (at least according to some accounts), and this date then became the official date for the celebration of the Feast of All Saints in Rome. St Bede (d. 735) recorded the celebration of All Saints Day on Nov. 1 in England, and such a celebration also existed in Salzburg. Austria. Ado of Vienna (d 875) recounted how Pope Gregory IV asked King Louis the Pious (778-840) to proclaim Nov. 1 as All Saints Day throughout the Holy Roman Empire. Sacramentaries of the 9th and 10th centuries also placed the Feast of All Saints on the liturgical calendar on Nov. 1.

According to an early Church historian, John Beleth, Pope Gregory IV (827-844) officially declared Nov. 1 the Feast of All Saints, transferring it from May 13. However, Sicard of Cremona (d. 1215) recorded that Pope Gregory VII (1073-85) finally suppressed May 13 and mandated Nov.1 as the date to celebrate the Feast of All Saints. In all, we find the Church establishing a liturgical feast day in honor of the saints independent of any pagan influence."

read it all at:

TIME CHANGE - 'Fall Back' - DST Ends!

Sunday The 23rd Sunday After Pentecost

9:30 am Older Children's & Adult Christian Education

10:30 am Holy Eucharist & Younger Children's Christian Education

Fellowship Hour to follow

From this week's sermon......

Have you ever noticed, that during the difficult times of life the value of the church as an institution becomes more and more clear. Like when our nation sought to bring healing to the deep wounds of September 11th - to find a way to overcome evil with good. Or as the Pakistani people try to make sense of Thursday’s murderous attack on their former Prime Minister. Or to parents as we negotiate the treacherous landscape of raising our children in the world today. Or the person facing cancer, or the death of a loved one, or impending surgery, or some unexpected frailty of life. From the oldest among us to the youngest, from the community to the individual, the church is a unique institution that can have a powerfully positive effect upon all phases of life.

I firmly believe that the church is a gift to the world from God. And that you and I are stewards of that part of the gift that’s located here in this place. And that stewardship has to do not only with providing the financial means by which the church can do the work to which God calls us, but also with making use of the tools God has given the church to help the world.

And perhaps one of the most important of those tools is the subject of our reading from Second Timothy. You see, within the gift of the church is to be found a precious treasure that truly has the power to help people. And as we try to navigate through all the many challenges of living as human beings in the real world, God has given us a resource that is tried and true. And so a young Christian man named Timothy – living in a world not unlike our own in terms of confusion, injury, difficulty, and war – is given this piece of sage advice:

“Continue in what you have learned…knowing from whom you learned it, and how from childhood you have known the sacred writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through Jesus Christ.”

Paul is telling Timothy to center himself – to anchor his life as a follower of Christ - in the Scriptures. For Timothy, those scriptures were the Law and the Prophets. For us ---- they are New and Old Testaments of the Bible.

A cartoon in The New Yorker shows a man walking up to the customer service desk of a large bookstore. The clerk, peering into her computer screen, says, “The Bible you say? Hmmmmm, let’s see. That would be in the ‘Self Help’ section.”

That cartoon rather wryly suggests one of the problems we face as we attempt to read and understand the Bible as modern Christians. In our consumer-driven culture and even to some in the church, the Bible has become just one more consumer option, one more source of therapeutic advice alongside books on dieting, dating, astrology, and life-strategies for becoming successful people. But this is a very false image - for the Bible is not “self-help” to nurture our own private narcissistic spirituality, but something far more important. You see, the Bible is the story of God’s work to re-create a world that is drowning in sin.

How are we going to create a new world for ourselves and our children out of a planet that is currently reeling under the influence of terrorists who believe it is right and good to blow up innocent women and children? How can we reach into the world of greed, power and injustice, and bring about the eradication of poverty, hunger, and racism? How can the world be re-made into a community where love reigns, justice flows, and peace prospers? Isaiah sees it as world in which children are never harmed, old people live active lives and are never left behind, swords are turned into farming tools that produce food and not death, and terrorist camps where hate is taught are turned into schools where love is learned and no one learns war anymore.

The Bible is about working with God to build that kind of a world for us, our children and grandchildren to live in. It is about converting this current world of brokenness and sin into a world of healing and life.

And one major way that God plans to accomplish this is by the creation of a group of people – the church – who will tell the world the story of Jesus, and who will dare to model the way of life of this new world for all to see.

We - you and I - according to this Book are the stewards of the hope of the world!

So what must we do as we face terrorism, and hatred, and bigotry, and oppression, and illness, and frailty, and death?

Well, we must find a center from which we can operate effectively and powerfully. A center that keeps us focused and oriented around the things that are important. A center that provides us the understanding and the resources that we need to help God accomplish his plan of saving the world. And that center is God’s eternal and unchanging Word - that Word that tells us: “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good!” and that: “God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.”

And so in these days it is important for you and me to speak clearly to the world.
about the trustworthiness of God to accomplish good in our lives and in our world even when it seems as though evil is winning the day.

This is the story of Sacred Scripture! That when in the Garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve made a monumental mistake, God refused to let their sin be the end! And when Jesus breathed His last, hanging there on Calvary’s tree, when it appeared that it was all over - then Sunday came!

When you move to the center of our faith and take hold of this Word, you soon learn that the word “end” has not been written into God’s vocabulary yet. That the word “tragedy” is always temporary and never permanent. That the word “loss” is eventually transposed into “gain”. And even death itself gives way to life because God is still at work!

This is the message we are to bring to the world! There is a God who loves us, and will be faithful no matter what happens around us! And this is the life of hope we are to live and practice so the world will know that God is bringing us through! God has not given up on us - He will overcome even the darkest evil with good!

Friends, center your life here, on the sacred writings that hold so true. It is the Word the world most needs to hear and see in times like these!

Our Standing Announcements:
1st Sunday - Potluck Lunch following Mass
2nd Tuesday - Episcopal Church Women
3rd Monday - Vestry Meeting - 5:30 pm

Mon. Office closed

Tue ECW Noon in the Parish Hall

Wed 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist

Next Sunday: The 22nd Sunday After Pentecost - Bishop’s Visitation, Confirmation Service, & 60th Parish Anniversary Celebration

9:30 am Older Children’s and Adult Sunday School; Choir Practice
10:30 am Holy Eucharist & Younger Children’s Sunday School - Reception and Lunch to follow
Have you ever heard the expression "gratitude is an attitude." Perhaps like me when you heard it, you filed it away as an unsophisticated cliche', suitable for a bumper sticker, but not for much else. But you know, the thing about cliche's is that they are often true. That's why we remember them in the first place. And the truth of the matter is that gratitude is an attitude of personal choice.

Gratitude is not a feeling, although feelings of gratitude are often appropriate. True gratitude is a way of living. It comes from the way in which we see ourselves in relation to God, and then to the world around us. If we truly believe that life itself is a gift freely given, and from that that everything we have is a gift, from the greatest to the trivial, from breath, to shelter, to food, to the shoes on our feet, then we will live our lives gratefully, in thanksgiving, seeking to make whatever return we can for the things that we have been given. BUT if I am not grateful, then I will not even think of giving back. And by the same token, if giving back never occurs to me, or if I do it begrudgingly, then obviously I am not very grateful.

My friends, it is not until we understand, to quote from our burial office, that "you are dust and unto dust you shall return", that we will be grateful. When we begin to understand that nothing, and I mean nothing is owed to us, then we will be grateful. When we begin to understand that everything, in truth, belongs to God, then we will be grateful. When we begin to understand that Jesus Christ died for our sins, then we will be grateful... and then we will live, and move, and have our being in a spirit of gratitude.

If you want to know the key to a happy and successful life, this is it. If you'd like a piece of the abundant life that Jesus promises us, this is it. Indeed, if you don't find your life to be abundant and joyful, it is inevitably because you are not very grateful. Gratitude comes from understanding who we are, who God is, and the nature of the subsequent relationship. Let me say one last time, gratitude is not a feeling, it is a choice. So today, choose wisely.
Our Standing Announcements:
1st Sunday - Potluck Lunch following Mass
2nd Tuesday - Episcopal Church Women
3rd Monday - Vestry Meeting - 5:30 pm

Mon. Office closed

Wed 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist - Vestry Meeting following

Thurs 150th Anniversary of St. Matthew's Cathedral

Fri & Sat Diocese of Dallas Convention

Next Sunday: The 21st Sunday After Pentecost
9:30 am Older Children’s and Adult Sunday School; Choir Practice
10:30 am Holy Eucharist & Younger Children’s Sunday School; Fellowship Hour

Sunday October 28th Bishop’s Visitation, Confirmation Service, &
60th Parish Anniversary Celebration
Our Standing Announcements:
1st Sunday - Potluck Lunch following Mass
2nd Tuesday - Episcopal Church Women
3rd Monday - Vestry Meeting - 5:30 pm

This Sunday: The 19th Sunday After Pentecost
9:30 am Older Children & Adult Sunday School; Choir Practice
10:30 am Holy Eucharist & Younger Children’s Sunday School; Fellowship Hour

From this week's Sermon: "I am sure that we all have had such moments in our own spiritual walks - when we thought all we needed was - more faith - especially when we consider all that the first Disciples were able to do for the Kingdom - our Gospel demonstrates a very important lesson for all of us: those who believe in the Name of Jesus have what we need to accomplish great things for the Kingdom AND that we should not allow our own self doubts to keep us from doing those things.

There are few greater icons of Christian faith in our time than Mother Teresa, whose work among the poorest of the poor in the slums of Calcutta epitomized the power of Christian faith. Most recently a new book entitled: Come Be My Light presents to us clear evidence that Mother Teresa had doubts about her faith and struggled with a sense of spiritual emptiness for almost the entire time that she directed the order of nuns she founded.

Come Be My Light presents letters Mother Teresa wrote to a series of spiritual advisers over the decades that describe her haunting sense of divine absence, interrupted by only occasional periods of consolation. While she restored the hope of countless others with her radiant joy in service, her own hope often lay in ruins. "In my heart there is no faith—no love—no trust—there is so much pain—the pain of longing, the pain of not being wanted. I want God with all the powers of my soul—and yet there between us—there is terrible separation."

Mother Teresa's experience of spiritual darkness does not diminish her evident holiness, and in some ways it enhances it, much like the words in our OT Lesson today. Many of history's greatest saints suffered similar periods - and Mother Teresa's struggles is not so much disconcerting as consoling. For who among us has not also felt, at times, a hole where God should be?

And perhaps this is the real lesson for us to learn today - that God's presence is not dependent on a believer's feeling or lack of feeling. Mother Teresa’s example clearly demonstrate that feelings are not the point."

Mon. Office closed

Wed 5:30 pm Holy Eucharist

Next Sunday: The 20th Sunday After Pentecost
9:30 am Older Children’s and Adult Sunday School; Choir Practice
10:30 am Holy Eucharist & Younger Children’s Sunday School; Fellowship Hour

Sunday October 28th Bishop’s Visitation, Confirmation Service, &
60th Parish Anniversary Celebration