The Week of March 5th to March 11 2007


Monday March 5th
Lenten Feria
Church Office Closed
Harvest Unlimited 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Tuesday March 6th
Lenten Feria
Harvest Unlimited 6:00 to 8:00 pm

Wednesday March 7th
St. Perpetua and Her Companions
5:30 pm Stations of the Cross/Eucharist
6:00 pm Lenten Series & Supper

Thursday March 8th

Lenten Feria
Harvest Unlimited 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Friday March 9th
St.Gregory of Nyssa
Harvest Unlimited 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Saturday March 10th
Lenten Feria

Sunday M
arch 11th
Third Sunday in Lent

9:30 am Adult Sunday School in the Library
10:30 am Children's Sunday School in the Education Building
10:30 am Holy Eucharist


Stamps and Non perishables
Please remember to bring letter and postcard stamps along with non perishables on Sunday. The stamps will assist with our Harvest mailings while the non-perishables will be brought to the Food Pantry.

Harvest Unlimited
Harvest Unlimited teaches congregations how to contact their neighbors and invite them to church, using the telephone, and it provides all of the demographics by zip code. This ministry has proven highly effective throughout the U.S. It not only brings in many new families, but it also infuses the parish with new life. Members of St. Matthias have attended numerous hours of training and the program has begun! If you are interested in participating please contact Father Perschall. Vicki Beeler is the Call Chair and Deacon Moore is the Prayer Chair.

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