Monday: March 12th -
Feast of Gregory the Great
Church Office Closed
6:00 - 8:00 pm Harvest Unlimited
Calling & Praying
Tuesday: March 13th - Lenten Feria
12:30 pm Women of the Church Meeting -
Parish Hall Bring Sack Lunch -
Focus is Fiesta Celebration
6:00 - 8:00 pm Harvest Unlimited
Calling & Praying
Wednesday: March 14th -
5:30 pm Stations of the Cross
& Holy Eucharist
6:00 pm Lenten Series & Soup Dinner - Devotional Prayers
Thursday: March 15th - Lenten Feria
6:00 - 8:00 pm Harvest Unlimited
Calling & Praying
Friday: March 16th - Lenten Feria
Saturday: March 17th - Feast of Patrick
Bishop and Missionary of Ireland, 461
6:00 pm Special Worship with David Gish featuring
"Joyful Noise" Praise & Gospel Service
Sunday: March 18th
Fourth Sunday in Lent
9:30 am Adult Sunday School in the Library
9:30 am School Age Children's Sunday School in the Parish Hall
9:45 am Choir Practice
10:30 am Children's Sunday School in the Education Building
10:30 am Holy Eucharist
12:00 pm Coffee/Goodies in the Parish Hall
Lay Reader: Allyson Mitchell
Oblations: K. Lamb & Mary Ann Perryman
Birthdays & Anniversaries:
13th Judy Harvell
15th Laura Goodson
16th Jim Marsh
Food Pantry Donations:
We are still collecting canned goods and non perishables for the Food Pantry on Sundays in March. Please put these items on the collection table in the Parish Hall.
We are also in great need of postcard and first class stamps. Please put all stamp donations in the collection plate or give them directly to Father Perschall or Vicki Beeler.
David Gish:
Please attend our special worship service Saturday March 17th at 6:00 pm. Bring your friends and neighbors for this evening of praise and gospel...come and make some "Joyful Noise".
Harvest Unlimited:
The Harvest Unlimited Program is in full swing! Please consider getting involved in this program as our church reaches out to our community and neighbors. Please contact Father Perschall, Vicki Beeler or Ralph Fields.
Extra church newsletters & Women's newsletters are in the Parish Hall. Please make sure to update the church on any address changes to ensure you get your newsletter in a timely manner. If you would like to assist in the production and mailing of our monthly newsletter please contact Jennifer Mason or Father Perschall.
Holy Week Calendar:
Sunday April 1st:
Sunday of the Passion:
10:30 am Palm Sunday Service
5:30 pm Seder Dinner
Monday April 2nd:
5:30 pm Compline
Tuesday April 3rd:
5:30 pm Compline
Wednesday April 4rth:
5:30 pm Compline
Thursday April 5th
Maundy Thursday
5:30 pm Solemn Holy Eucharist
6:30 Vigil Begins
Friday April 6th
Good Friday
12:00 pm Solemn Stations of the Cross
5:30 pm Evening Service
Saturday April 7th
Holy Saturday
5:30 pm Liturgy
Sunday April 8th
Easter Sunday
10:30 Holy Eucharist
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